28 January, 2009

The most comfortable laptop keyboard ever

A little while ago I was typing on my old Powerbook G4 laptop and realized that typing on that keyboard is simply a pleasure on my wrists and fingertips. For Apple, this is amazing as many of their products are not that ergonomically friendly. But for some reason the keyboards on the Powerbooks (and macbook pros until this year) are my favorite keyboards to type on. It saddened me greatly when I found out they will no longer be putting this keyboard into their macbook pros. It boggles my mind because if I had to choose one keyboard to type on forever it would be the one pictured here.

Tech details (if I can remember): Tripod mounted, 30mm lens at f2.5 for about 4 seconds. And I turned the brightness on the monitor way down to get the correct exposure on the monitor image to match the exposure for the backlit keyboard.

27 January, 2009


For Christmas, I got a 65mm Macro lens for my camera (thanks mom and dad!!). Unfortunately, I have not gotten to use it much yet as I have been sort of busy. But the other evening, my girlfriend and I enjoyed an excellent bottle of Pinot Noir (Gallo 2005 Sonoma Reserve- for anyone who wants to try it). It was really a very nice bottle of wine and not that expensive. Anyways, I had the cork laying around and decided to play around with my new macro lens.

Tech details: Tripod mounted, available room lighting. 65mm Macro at F25. Whitebalance adjustment, levels adjustment, and burning in photoshop.

12 January, 2009

More Jellies

05 January, 2009

Golden Gate National Cemetery

03 January, 2009

Playing with new lenses

This picture is not particularly exciting.. But I am excited to be playing with new lenses.